Hello Tax Preparers and Reviewers!
This page is a collection of training resources for tax volunteers. If a resource you would like to see is missing, let us know.
Tax Law Training
Click the links below to access copies of the slides trainers used to present the live sessions of the basic tax preparer series.
- Basic A: Slides covering basics of P+P, tax prep resources, certification test, complete an easy tax return
- Basic B: Slides covering tax clinic process, tax interview, filing status, dependency
- Basic C: Slides covering types of income, federal adjustments, and Minnesota subtractions; also see the Tax Tip about the Minnesota One Time Rebate
- Basic D: Slides covering federal and Minnesota tax credits
- Basic E: Slides covering Form M1PR for renters and homeowners credits, financial services at P+P, e-file section in TaxSlayer, scope, data security, and prior year return overview
- Materials cover topics that preparers must be familiar with to pass the Advanced Certification Test.
Express preparer training slide deck: slides used for Jan 27 and 28 express preparer training
Practice Returns
Practice Returns from Software Labs – Sample returns and answer key used in the basic tax preparer series. Tax returns are updated to Tax Year 2023. Use page 12 of your P+P manual to access the TaxSlayer Practice Lab (generic password: TRAINPROWEB).
Self-Paced Trainings
Click the links below to visit the interactive video trainings and other training resources. For returning volunteers, all of these trainings are optional, but they are a great way to get ready for tax season.
Cultural Awareness and Customer Service (required for all new volunteers)
Volunteer Standards of Conduct
Education Credits
Capital Gains and Losses
Deep Dive Into the MN Property Tax Refund (M1PR)
IRS Intake Interview & Quality Review Training (required for all new volunteers)
VITA Train modules: If you want another take on VITA training provided by our partners at Prosperity Now, the 10 modules have been updated for tax year 2023! Use the right side menu to download PDFs from the Prosperity Now website and review this optional material.
IRS Certification Test
Pages 9-10 in the volunteer tax manual cover testing requirements and how to register on the testing website. Page 11 provides directions for sending Form 13615 to the volunteer resources department. Use page 12 to access the TaxSlayer Practice Lab (generic password: TRAINPROWEB).
IRS Link & Learn VITA/TCE Central testing website: https://www.linklearntaxescertification.com
IMPORTANT IRS test information - The IRS issued an alert about several changes to the tax tests. Please review the information prior to taking your certification tests.
Issues with the test website? Try refreshing the site, clearing your cache, or trying a different browser. It has been sporadically unavailable this year due to website updates. USE THESE INSTRUCTIONS if you have persistent issues and can't enter your answers on the website before your first shift.
Useful P+P Resources
P+P Volunteer Tax Manual
P+P Brochure
Homeowner+ Renter Info Handout
Referrals Handout
Balance Due Handout
W-4Information Handout
IRS and Department of Revenue Publications
IRS Publication 4012: VITA Volunteer Resource guide - excellent reference document for tax rules and interview questions for various federal tax issues
IRS Publication 4491: VITA Volunteer Training Guide - summary of tax year 2022 tax law changes and expanded information on many federal issues
IRS Form 6744: VITA Volunteer Assistor's Test and Retest - booklet showing certification test questions and scenarios
MNDOR Form M1 Instructions: expanded information on reporting information on the Minnesota income tax return, Form M1
MNDOR Form M1PR Instructions: expanded information on reporting information on the Minnesota property tax return, Form M1PR
Have questions about the tax season?
If you have specific questions about this tax season, you're interested in finding resources to study up on a particular topic, or you just want to chat about something related to tax season, please email volunteer@prepareandprosper.org.